Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bitter Sweet

[caption id="attachment_1530" align="alignleft" width="300"]starting a garden, how to grow a garden, a new garden, picture perfect garden The view of our garden from the back door.[/caption]

Some of you may have noticed that my articles have been far and few between lately. It is not that I have lost interest in the blog, but we have had a crazy summer. We decided to move homes. This has been a very bitter sweet thing for us. Leaving our home and our picture perfect garden was very hard to do. We left behind a vigorously growing garden with lots to harvest, knowing it was soon to be someone else's harvest. The sweet part came when we knew we would be moving to a home with a much larger yard and space for a garden twice the size of our last one. The possibilities are endless for the garden in our new home. So moving and getting settled in our new home has taken quite a while and we are not yet all settled yet. Thank you for your patience.

One of the things I am excited about is that we will be starting our garden from scratch again. There is nothing but bare ground. I can now document everything we do to show how to start a garden from nothing and how wonderful it can turn out to be. I may even need to do a little container gardening in the mean time as this will be an amazing amount of work.

If you have not yet taken the plunge into growing your own food, don't keep delaying! It is so gratifying and the rewards are endless. Just start this year by planning it out very carefully. If you need to build grow  boxes or start improving your soil- do so now so you can be ready one spring arrives. Planning a garden means planning for a harvest.

Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Love this picture of your garden. It was beautiful (well still is beautiful) but it we probably won't see it much any more.


Thank you for leaving a comment, we will review it and post it soon. Happy Gardening!