Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Edible Landscape

the edible landscapeHave you ever dreamed of having a nice big garden with tons of produce you can harvest whenever you need it? It is such a great dream! I have expanded my garden quite a few times, and still seem to need more space to grow all that I would like! I was just given this book called "The Edible Landscape" by Emily Tepe to review. She not only discusses the why of growing a garden,  but she presents that you can grow your vegetable garden scattered throughout your landscape in your yard.  Mixing the perennials and flowers with your tomatoes and cabbage. The logistics are covered  like taking into consideration how much light that plant needs, and how big it will get. She has some great ideas about companion planting and inter-planting different vegetables together. She even has some basic landscape design tips as you plan out your edible landscape.

Planting flowers and vegetables together is a great idea, and will actually help attract those beneficial insects to come and pollinate you vegetables for you! I am excited about some of the ideas she gives here, and look forward to incorporating them into my landscape. It sure opens up some possibilities for crop rotation and makes it so my beds will not attract those diseases anymore.

Check out "The Edible Landscape" on Amazon and order yours today, just in time to plan out your garden this year.

Happy gardening!


  1. [...] that you can move throughout the year to get enough sun light. Or you could consider growing your vegetables interspersed in the landscaping of your [...]


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