Monday, November 14, 2011

What we are about

One of my passions is Gardening and growing things. It is just amazing to watch something grow that you planted and are taking care of. It is even more fun for me to grow something that I can eat. I just LOVE going out to my garden in the morning or afternoon and deciding what we will be eating for dinner based on what we have ripe in the garden. Or when I am cooking a recipe that calls for a seasoning or herb, and I can run out to the garden and snip the herb it calls for. Food just tastes so much better when it is fresh out of the garden. That is why I am creating this blog, so that I can share my excitement and what I have learned with you. I will share experiences I have, and also share some how to articles so that you can start your own garden and experience this fun, amazing feeling I get when I garden!

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